Coach Hany Rambod Analyzes and Evaluates Sam Sulek's Physique Post-Amateur Debut Victory

Olympia-winning coach Rambod meticulously examined Sam Sulek's NPC debut form, providing expert critiques and recommendations.

Coach Hany Rambod, a 25-time Olympia-winning coach, brings extensive experience in sculpting elite bodybuilders in both amateur and professional ranks. On February 18, 2025, he scrutinized Sam Sulek’s physique, offering enhancement tips and exercise advice.

Rambod has steered top-tier bodybuilders to triumph at the pinnacle of the sport. He’s mentored Mr. Olympias like Phil Heath, Jay Cutler, Hadi Choopan, and Derek Lunsford. Additionally, he’s supported six-time Classic Physique Olympia winner Chris Bumstead, who recently retired. Now, he’s focusing on Sam Sulek’s on-stage physique.

“This is my first amateur of rate your physique. I’m going to go ahead and again, try to really break down the physique, be able to give out the strong points and places where he can also improve.”

Hany Rambod Evaluates Sam Sulek’s Winning Physique, Provides Tips and Exercise Advice

In a recent YouTube video, Rambod evaluated Sulek’s physique, beginning with the front double biceps pose.

Front Double Biceps

He praised Sulek’s arms but urged him to increase his tricep size. To enhance his triceps, Rambod suggested incorporating reverse grip pushdowns, whether single-arm or double-arm.

“The good thing about Sam, he’s got really good arms, really good arms, nice peaks,” shared Rambod. “Good fullness and he’s got a really nice full set of arms. The place where I would like to see improvement in his arms though is a little bit more tricep.” 

“Work on a reverse grip pushdown, single arm, could be double arm or single arm, I prefer the single to be able really hit those fibers that are really needed to be able to get that tricep to really arch out on that front relaxed pose.” 

Back Double Biceps

He believes Sulek’s back double biceps pose would be more impressive with a better-developed v-taper. Rambod also recommended refining his posing technique.

“I feel like he could use a little bit more v-taper. But that can’t come in until he ends up being Pro. He’s got a lot of room to grow when he turns Pro because then he’s going to have a higher weight class or eventually if he decides to go Open.” 

“Posing-wise, he could use a little bit of tweaking on his posing. Leaning back a bit would help, just a bit. Bringing his back up and arching and getting his chest up on that back double bicep will give a little bit more depth in here [mid back and lats],”

He wants to see more glute definition on Sulek, so he explained why single-leg Bulgarian split squats and hip thrusts would be ideal. 

“For glutes, I would do single-leg Bulgarian split squats. I would do some hip thrusts. I would really do some extra work on those glutes to get them to isolate and fire.” 

Side Chest

He advised Sulek to improve his quad detail for a more powerful side chest shot.
Three-Quarter Turning Back Double Biceps

“I really like the detail in his core right there, that looks awesome. Going down to his lower body, you can see here he’s just a little bit flat. If he had a little bit more time to fill up or didn’t have to drop as much, you’d see even more detail all through his quads.” 

Lastly, Rambod assessed Sulek’s three-quarter back double biceps, reiterating the need for more tricep detail.

“Very Arnold-esque. Upper back looks great,” he shared. “I think the place where we want to see a bit more detail, again, right through here. He has the glute, he’s just got to squeeze it, so he’s going to have to hold that pose and he’s going to have to get a little bit bigger and a little more detailed.” 

Hany Rambod’s Amateur Cups Rating: 9.5

“Instead of Sandows, I think we should just call this the amateur cups. So we’re going to use amateur cups on this one. And I’m going to go ahead and give this a 9.5. Again, 9.5 which is phenomenal, and the only reason why I didn’t give it a 10 was because I felt like if his weight was a little lower and had a little more detail in his quads and his glutes was just a little bit tighter, he would be a 10.” 

At his first amateur bodybuilding competition, Sam Sulek made a significant impact and even impressed the renowned coach Hany Rambod. Fans eagerly await Sulek's return to the stage, where he plans to challenge himself against tougher competitors at the Arnold Amateur on February 27.

Watch the full video from Hany Rambod’s YouTube channel below: 


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